
For the fourth year in a row, Deloitte employees gathered at our boathouse to celebrate #ImpactDay, a time dedicated to demonstrating Deloitte’s commitment to local communities. On Impact Day, Deloitte employees volunteer for causes they care about. We are so grateful that over 30 Deloitte employees chose to make their impact here at Row New York (including Deloitte CEO, Cathy Engelbert). Snaps and clapping hands for Deloitte employee’s Maria Bournias, Row New York Board of Directors, and George Kruglov, Row New York Associate Board member, for sharing their passion for Row New York with fellow Deloitte co-workers.

Queens group

The day was full of much-needed cleaning, organizing, painting and fixing. Deloitte employees completed the tasks that typically fall by the wayside when all of the youth, adult, and para-rowing programs are in full swing. In Queens, volunteers stayed busy clearing out our southern boatyard (removing over 5 old launches) to make room for our new fleet of training singles. Volunteers also painted the boathouse, installed a weather station and yoga mat organizer, while also sanding down and painting our barges. In Manhattan, Deloitte painted the entire second floor of the boathouse and sanded, stained and sealed our gangway rails, giving our entrance a much-needed facelift. Work continued with locker installation, bathroom enhancements, and launch fixes. Whew!

char painting IMG_2013 IMG_2016 IMG_2017

Without a doubt, Deloitte employees improved our boathouses for the hundreds of athletes who row every year. When our athletes first saw their better, cleaner, more beautiful boathouses, the pride on their face was evident. Thank you, Deloitte, for your help transforming the lives of New Yorkers regardless of background or ability.

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